Gateways Counseling P.C. Logo


Gateways Counseling, P.C. has stopped providing counseling/therapy services as of October, 2019, and the office has been closed.

Client Records Request

Clients may request their records by submitting an email request to:

Dr. Bret Hendricks

Dr. Bret Hendricks, LPC can be contacted regarding future counseling needs. He can be contacted at:

Dr. Beth Shapiro

Dr. Beth Shapiro, LMFT, LSOTP, owner of Gateways Counseling PC, is available for certain consulting appointments and other professional communications. She can be reached at:


Available Professional Services at Gateways Counseling, P.C.

Dr. Shapiro is available to conduct forensic consulting on sexual abuse cases, domestic violence cases, traumatic loss situations, and child custody cases. She also will perform psychosexual assessments for adults and adolescents, and she is available to serve as an ad litem for children in custody cases/disputes. Dr. Shapiro has testified more than 200 times since 1990 as an expert witness and a fact witness, consulting with clients, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, and in civil litigation cases.

Dr. Shapiro can be contacted at: